Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 5, 2017



All religions before Celestial Way have no social contracts, i.e, no normative social norms except in some cases like Islam. Without social norms, it is not possible to build specific sociological categories of ideology and social organization. Consequently, previous religions focused mainly on spiritual and theological awareness. The moral norms of previous religions are very clear, but not enough for social organization because the society needs a system of philosophy in terms of social organization. Sometimes it is impossible to unify religions with fundamental philosophy or philosophy that organizes social consciousness.

Celestial Way is different from previous religions in which there is a doctrine for social organization: The Great Holiness-Great Unity Doctrine (Great Holiness Law) and a global social governance mechanism and global government = The Law Book of Celestial Way in the Great Holiness Prime Method.  The Great Holiness Law encompasses all organizational matters from macro level to micro level and unifies both theology and social philosophy. More especially, it shows a future Heaven on Earth that has never existed before. It is the most progressive socialist theoretical system in human history; the Great Holiness-Great Unity Doctrine is THE MOST PROGRESSIVE AND PERFECT DOCTRINE IN HUMAN HISTORY SO FAR!

At the same time, the Celestial Law in the Law Book/Scriptures has guided the establishment of a new Global Government with the style of Great Holiness Communism and a new United Nations; The Celestial Law also points out types of management that govern governments from the global scale to the national scale, from the autonomous region to the communal level. This is the great advance of humanity's religion proceeding from theology to sociology and theocracy, i.e, THE WAY THAT PACIFIES THE WORLDS, THE LAWS THAT GOVERN THE LIFE.

The religions even with great unity spirit such as Christianity, Bhai, Omoto, Caodaism, etc. have never had their own political doctrine to ensure the liberation of human society from crime, injustice, inequality, class discrimination, war, and ethnic conflict, national and religious conflict. Celestial Way has such doctrine - it is the Great Holiness-Great Unity Doctrine. Marxism is atheism so it becomes distant to religions, though it leads to communism. However, in the universe, there exists souls which is a supreme truth so atheism is not the right means for human beings to understand the universe properly. In particular, Karl Marx did not specify how to move toward communism and how to eliminate the state (withering away of the state) and to establish the half-state regime; however, Celestial Way has pointed out that path, which is the path of Holy Communism so as to establish Heaven on Earth. It also abolished communist principles about atheism so Celestial Way has unified communist socialist theories with theology and spiritual consciousness of humanity.

In fact, human society has experienced a lot of communal regimes from the matrilineal, clan and tribal communes to smallholder feudal communes in China or Vietnam, or tribal communes in Libya, or other forms of progressive societies in North Korea and Cuba. Another example is the Buddhist paradise of Bhutan which preserves a non-capitalist economy but is still full of prosperity with extremely high Gross National Happiness index and social security. This again affirms the path of communism building prosperous and peaceful autonomous communes is the inevitable, indispensable and irreversible way of future humanity.

An extremely important and creative point in the thesis of Great Holiness Economy is the autonomous communes which abolish subsidies completely and are without a market mechanism; however, there still exists the exchange of goods and forces in the whole society and among autonomous regions and communes. This is a new important point that has never had before. It remedies the weaknesses in the subsidized and non-capitalist socialist economy before and all weaknesses that caused socialist deviations in the socialist countries with the market economy; it also helps to remedy the subsidized socialist economic theory and the previous socialist economic crisis.



First, Celestial Way is the way to save the whole humanity by its progressive social doctrine as stated. The Law Book of Celestial Way unifies the global theology.

Second, Ceremonial Book of Celestial Way has unified the ceremony of worshipping monotheism and unified the whole spiritual principles of all religions around the world in terms of highest perception of worshiping God.
Celestial Way has unified theology of all religions Buddhism, Taoism, Caodaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.

Third, Celestial Book of Celestial Way has scientifically explained the spirituality and the principles of the universe based on the creation of a new scientific system and concepts for unifying between spirituality and science, between theology and science.

Fourth, ethical norms and guidelines are sufficient for humanity to shed light on human dignity under the power of the Creator.

Fifth, Celestial Discipline of Celestial Way has full practical disciplines from simple to complex, the supreme knowledge of one’s lot, the fate of the stars, the principles of yin and yang, pulses and spots, the methods of activating divine powers and soul projection, etc. of all religions such as Taoism, Tantric Buddhism, theosophy, qigong sects, spiritual schools, qigong disciplines, practical disciplines of Brahmanism, etc. Thus, it is enough for humanity to cultivate the body and the mind so as to attain enlightenment and to exist RATIONALLY IN THE UNIVERSE UNDER THE POWER OF SUPREME GOD.

Sixth, condition for human unification: The theories mentioned in the 5 things above are the basis for the unification of humanity. Mankind is too tired of capitalist economic doctrines, negative social theories in the past, backward and blasphemous religions; religious eschatology is the eschatology of religions’ prime method which cannot save humanity. Therefore, Celestial Way is the condition for human unification and for the unification of both atheism and theism, idealism and materialism as reasoning in Celestial Book.

Seventh, Celestial Way is the Great Way of God in which the Second Aspect of God descends on earth to establish the Law and the Covenants to save humanity; It is a program that Celestial Hierarchy has allowed divine and superior beings coming down to earth to save humanity, which is also called FLOWER DRAGON PROGRAM or THE UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT.
Celestial Way is of Maitreya along with different parts of his soul coming to make. This is of course justified in the cosmic consciousness of psychic people or people with spiritual ability in order to prove the TRUTHS OF CELESTIAL WAY – CELESTIAL WAY (CELESTIALISM) IS THE WAY OF GOD. This is the RIGHTEOUS WAY and also the PRIME METHOD OF HUMANITY. Prime Method of humanity is the way to save humanity and is Great Way.

Eighth, it has high applicability for the whole humanity and theocratic states can use these perceptions to implement social reform without the need of other communist arguments.

Ninth, it supplements Marxism in terms of state’s organization and communist society because Marxism is an open and unfinished doctrine at the global level of communism; Celestial Way supplements this uncompleted part to guide humanity toward the global great unity communism. Humanity is in need of the applicability and practical relevance of social theories for which Celestial Way supplements Marxism completely.

Marxism discusses about the class struggle which is the path and the driving force for the evolution of human society. In the Doctrine of Celestial Way, class struggle is not discussed much anymore but the method to organize society specifically, i.e the society established in the communist era without class struggle is. This shows important addition to communist social awareness. Celestial Way is the Way that worships communism.


Celestial Grand Master or the head of Celestial Way is a Master with high divine psychic power and is capable of using extrasensory perception, prophesying and spiritual healing; He has obtained six supernatural powers and is a cultural activist. He once came first in the exam of a prestigious military political academy and is also a writer, a poet, a journalist and a political bachelor in building party and state’s government. He used to work at a ministerial level office of military. However, due to his psychic abilities, He has seen information and received information in the higher realms, has been directly taught by the divine, has been communicated with God, has known the Celestial Plan and has seen the future of new humanity. At the same time, He also saw the nature of social systems, regimes, strengths, weaknesses and limitations of social regimes including the socialist regime such as embezzlement, abuse of power, harassment, disunity, partiality, greed for fame and fortune, opportunism of Chinese or Vietnamese state’s officials. He is also deeply imbued with the spirit of charity, love, great unity and great love for the miserable humanity in this world which always has the call of the heart-rending everywhere. Therefore, He has been determined to save mankind approaching the memory of the universe and combined with other divine beings in the higher realms to create Celestial Way (Celestialism) by the Orders and Decrees of God. He was awarded 15 Decrees, 14 Seals to do divine works and heavenly troops by Celestial Hierarchy. He is a high-level divine Master.

The Grand Master of Celestial Way is also talked in the Teaching Book and Intelligence Book.

Because of his work in spirituality and psychic relevance, He decided to take early retirement ignoring his bright future of position and fame in society and has been away from this world of dust to revert back to his nature and to the Supreme Enlightenment. With his gentle, humble, tolerant, simple and forgiving nature, all his life He has done the charity work and has not been a stickler for any practice; therefore, He has been respected and honored by true divine beings in invisible world. At the same time, He has also been challenged and opposed much by the evil. The strange thing is that due to his nature, He might be easily harmed by the wicked, the evil person or the one who is jealous of his talent; He used to be cheated on land assets by his friend but He never did anything to retaliate. However, when fighting the devil in the invisible world, He is extremely tough, strong and determined.

The pain in his literary works shows his view in human beings, the compassion to humanity and the charity with miserable people; or in other words, it shows the suffering for beings.

The Grand Master has about 8 years of psychic practice from 2008 to 2016, which has brought him a lot of experiences and skills in spirituality along with deep spiritual insight. He has also seen the dark, evil and reactionary nature of Freemasonry, capitalists and Antichrist as stated in the Apocalypse of Christianity so He became more determined to protect Celestial Hierarchy and the Laws of the Universe along with other divine beings and to redevelop mankind into Great Holiness time as prophesied and as the will of Almighty God.